
Smartphone Photography Workshop

צילום רגליים קבוצתי

‘The best camera is the one that you’re using’.  (Steve Jobs)
This experiential photography workshop provides the tools to help you make the most of those cellular devices in our daily lives.
We will take pictures in the world around us, focusing on interesting elements in natural light and studying form, light and shadow, composition, subject and background, portrait photography, and more.

Cost: NIS 2200 per group (up to 20 persons).
Length of workshop: About one and a half to two hours.

For further information, please contact tel. 04-629-8176
or by: E-mail

Please note

Entry to the gardens and nature park is free of charge.
Parking fees apply:
Bus/minibus – 60 NIS per day.
Please book your visit in advance through this link>>

Of further interest...


The Fragrance Garden

The Fragrance Garden, established in 1985, is the youngest of the Memorial Gardens. Seeking a way to enable people with limited or no eyesight to enjoy the flowers, Mme. Dorothy de Rothschild initiated the Fragrance Garden

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Sustainable Gardening

Sustainable gardening is defined as gardening that considers the needs of the current generation without harming the needs of future generations. It includes garden design that considers the existing elements on site – the landscape, soil, environment and vegetation suitable for the region

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Dining Here

Dining-The Picnic Site

The picnic area is located near the secondary parking lot. You are welcome to spend time there before or after your tour of the Gardens.

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