Our Team


"Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." ( H. Ford)

CEO's Office

dalia-aspect-ratio-370x320 Dalia Rahmian

Personal Assistant to the CEO

Send e-mail 04-6298101

Human Resources

IMG_9993-aspect-ratio-370x320 Rutie Parizer

Human Resources Manager

Send e-mail 04-6298117

Finance Department

MG_4551-aspect-ratio-370x320 Keren Doytch

Head of Finance Department

Send e-mail 04-6298122
MG_3160-aspect-ratio-370x320 Noam Pinhas


Send e-mail 04-6298115


MG_4415-aspect-ratio-370x320 Liat Hadar (Ph.D)

Head, Scientific Research Department

Send e-mail 04-6298119
WhatsApp-Image-2023-06-27-at-12.04.33-aspect-ratio-370x320 Eli Finarov

Scientific Research & Wildlife Conservation

Send e-mail 04-6298113

Strategy and Programs

20221127102817_IMG_3384-aspect-ratio-370x320 Naomi Apel

Chief Strategy and Programs Officer

Send e-mail 04-6298116
MG_4488-aspect-ratio-370x320-1-aspect-ratio-370x320 Gali Cohen

Head, Visitors and Marketing Department

Send e-mail 04-6298136
20230126113217_IMG_7211-aspect-ratio-370x320 Gome Sheffer

Head, Education Department

Send e-mail 04-6298108
20221127101800_IMG_3329-aspect-ratio-370x320 Daphna Lev Ari

Groups & Tours Coordinator

Send e-mail 04-6298176
MG_3844-aspect-ratio-370x320 Hila Altar

Volunteers and Wellbeing Coordinator

Send e-mail 04-6298120
MG_4392-aspect-ratio-370x320-1-aspect-ratio-370x320 Sagit Tzabar

Visitors Relations Coordinator

Send e-mail 04-6298124
171274332_10159305661489530_2923279991906289745_n-aspect-ratio-370x320 Ronny Keissary

Digital Media Coordinator

Send e-mail 04-6298170
MG_2912-aspect-ratio-370x320-1-aspect-ratio-370x320 Adi Gershlifer Bikov

Events and Administration Coordinator

Send e-mail 04-6298104

Nature Park

MG_3729-aspect-ratio-370x320 Tzach Glasser (Ph.D)

Nature Park Manager

Send e-mail 04-6298125
MG_3378-aspect-ratio-370x320 Amir Arnon

Wildlife Management and Conservation

Send e-mail 04-6298113
Iris-Eyal-aspect-ratio-370x320 Iris Eyal

Nature Park Administrative Coordinator

Send e-mail 04-6298121


שמוליק-aspect-ratio-370x320 Shmuel Cohen

Head Gardener

Send e-mail 04-6298105
רפי-aspect-ratio-370x320 Rafi Zegal

Nursery Manager

Send e-mail 04-6298129


-5-aspect-ratio-370x320 Dudu Arush

Facilities & Operation Manager

Send e-mail 04-6298105
MG_4184-aspect-ratio-370x320 Tami Zigler

Systems Integration Manager

Send e-mail 04-6298127
MG_3788-aspect-ratio-370x320 Yelena Rabinovitz

House keeping

Send e-mail 04-6298110

Info Shop

20230710124155_IMG_6813-aspect-ratio-740x320 The Info Shop team

Margaret Lev, Racheli Visser, Sima Idelman & Ronit Sacks

Send e-mail 04-6298111