
Silent Space

At the heart of the Nature Park at Ramat Hanadiv, about ten minutes’ walk from the carpark, “A Silent Space” awaits you: a magical nook in the forest welcomes you for a relaxed stay. You are welcome to come and become addicted to the silence of nature, far from the distractions of daily life.


The place was set up following the illness of a volunteer at Ramat Hanadiv, whose health improved incredibly after spending time in the forest on a daily basis. It turns out that it’s not coincidental, and it even has a name: “forest bathing” – quiet time in the forest that affects the health of body and soul. Following this story we decided to establish a little forest nook at Ramat Hanadiv.

What is here? Lots of trees and shade, a few comfortable rocks to sit on, a view of the sea, the tweeting of birds, and most importantly, quiet. A place of your own for a calm, quiet rest, for as much time as you like.

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How do we get to “A Tranquil Place”?

“A Tranquil Place” is ten minutes’ walk from the main carpark of Ramat Hanadiv. The walk itself is a beautiful stroll along the lesser-known trails of the park.

We’ll park close to the playground and look for the vehicle barrier to the left. We’ll pass the barrier on foot and walk along the dirt trail until we see a small wooden gate to the left. We’ll open it, enter, and walk straight until we reach the “solar tree” – a tree-like structure with solar panels. Here we turn left. Next to the carob tree we’ll turn right.

At the intersection, by the pole with signage for the bicycle trail, we’ll continue straight until we see the sign “A Tranquil Place”. To the right of us is a field of food crops for wildlife, which is cultivated using traditional methods to preserve the rare plant species growing here. To our left, the forest nook invites us to enter and immerse ourselves.

We wish you much enjoyment and health!

Of further interest...


An accessible trail through the Nature Park

In the Nature Park at Ramat Hanadiv there are a number of spectacular hiking routes.

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Establishment of the Partnership for Regional Sustainability

In 2015, Ramat Hanadiv established the Partnership for Regional Sustainability, aiming to combine forces for the quality of life in the region.

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Dining Here


Refresh yourself at the Kiosk with a drink or snack. The kiosk is open daily.

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