
Hydrology and Climate

Global climate change predictions for the Mediterranean regions forecast a rise in temperatures (4°-5° in summer, 2°-3° in winter), a decrease in the quantity of rainfall (up to 20%) and a serious increase in drought frequency (IPCC 2007, 2080). As access to water becomes scarce, a deceleration in tree growth is expected as well as the death of trees. These symptoms of climate change have already been documented in many regions with Mediterranean climates. As such, Ramat Hanadiv is closely tracking the effects of climate change in order to monitor the changes in climate and flora and to safeguard existing vegetation. Monitoring is also being done to learn about the connection between access to water and the structure and operation of the ecological system in Ramat Hanadiv.

הידרולוגיה ואקלים2


In the Ramat Hanadiv Nature Park, there is only one natural spring, Ein Tzur, which flows at a rate of 25 cubic meters a day, with seasonal fluctuation.


Ramat Hanadiv has a Mediterranean climate. The average yearly rainfall in our region amounts to between 500- 600 millimeters. A majority of the rainfall (about 90%) comes in the winter months between November and February, with a relative humidity level of about 69%.

Weather Station

The weather station at Ramat Hanadiv was established in 2002 with the purpose of tracking climatic conditions in the region and to create a benchmark for tracking the changes in climate for the sake of our research.

הידרולוגיה ואקלים

The station measures the following meteorological variables: speed and direction of the wind using a Wind Monitor model 05103 made by R. M. Young, air temperature and humidity with a sensor made by Campbell Scientific model CS500, global solar radiation by a pyrometer made by Kipp & Zonen model CM3, barometric pressure with a pressure sensor by Campbell Scientific model CS105, and the amount and strength of rainfall using a rain gauge by Campbell Scientific model TE525MM.
All data is collected by a Campbell Scientific model CR10X data gathering system. This system scans all the sensors and collects data by the second, it then calculates the averages and generates a data report every 10 minutes. The reports are then stored on our network.
The measurements recorded at the Ramat Hanadiv Weather Station dating back to September 2002 can be accessed at:

For the amount of yearly precipitation in Ramat Hanadiv, 1921-2018 (mm)
– click on the picture to enlarge

Sources of information in the graph:
Until 1962 from: D Ashbel, One Hundred And Seventeen Years (1845-1962) Of Rainfall Observations, Hebrew University, Climatology Department Jerusalem.

Between 1963-2003- The Government Meteorological Website (Zichron Ya’akov/Shefia Station)

From 2004 -The data is from the Ramat Hanadiv Weather Station (Meteo-tech).
Following is a quick analysis of the data in which a moving average of the last 10 years can be found (full line) as well as a linear line (dotted line):

A decrease in rainfall can be seen over the last 100 years (-0.8 mm per year). This is a decrease that is considered statistically marginally significant. Additionally, a continuous decrease can be seen since the 1990s (-8 mm per year). Thank you to Professor José Greensweig for analyzing the data.

Trends in temperature (2003-2015): Increase in minimal temperatures (in some months of the year) as well as maximum temperature on winter days (1.2-1.8 degrees).

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Accessible Trails

We have worked hard to make our buildings, infrastructure and service accessible to special sectors of the population so that everyone can enjoy an accessible and enjoyable visit to the Memorial Gardens and Nature Park.

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Establishment of the Partnership for Regional Sustainability

In 2015, Ramat Hanadiv established the Partnership for Regional Sustainability, aiming to combine forces for the quality of life in the region.

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Dining Here


Refresh yourself at the Kiosk with a drink or snack. The kiosk is open daily.

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