The Footprint Garden

Near the Visitors Pavilion, a garden was set up in the shape of a footprint and planted with butterfly-attracting vegetation. This garden symbolises our participation in the worldwide concern about the earth’s dwindling natural resources due to human exploitation. The increasing concern today is that if nothing changes, the resources’ shrinking will prevent their regeneration. The garden represents the ‘ecological footprint’ concept, which proposes a method to measure natural resource consumption by each and every one of us, and demonstrates the inability of the earth to provide these resources in the long term.

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Tour Options for People with Special Needs

Accompanied by one of our guides, you will be able to have a custom-made visit tailored to your group

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Establishment of the Partnership for Regional Sustainability

In 2015, Ramat Hanadiv established the Partnership for Regional Sustainability, aiming to combine forces for the quality of life in the region.

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Dining Here


To complete your Ramat Hanadiv experience, you are cordially invited to enjoy the culinary pleasures of Mata’im, the cafe-restaurant on our premises.

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