Starting Clean OR When We Began Redesigning the InfoShop

Whoever comes to Ramat Hanadiv surely knows that the InfoShop is located at the entrance to Ramat Hanadiv.
As its name suggests, the shop is full of information: self-guided activities, activities for kids, directions and vast professional knowledge – the entire shop staff are content ambassadors of history and heritage, and a love of nature and its conservation.


You can also find products with value: these were carefully selected in accordance with the messages and content that are identified with Ramat Hanadiv – environment, enjoying nature, gardening, research, sustainability and wellness.

The fine, sensitive line between wise, green consumerism and education for controlled consumerism guides the shop staff in selecting each gift and product.

Following a year of Shmita and with the New Year coming up, a desire arose to renew the shop’s visibility.

For this task, Sagit Tzabar, the shop manager, chose Roni Bitan:  importer, shop owner and talented space designer. After some brainstorming, she was able to renew the shop’s look. ‘I really want the people who enter the shop to be inspired, to feel that it’s a place with guiding principles. It’s not just another shop, but a shop with a sustainability concept that focuses on reuse and a great love of aesthetics; they need to feel the vibe and the message that we are thinking about the environment. And all of this needs to be presented with optimum chic’.

We would like to emphasise environmental and human wellness as a leading value in the shop.

After a year of Shmita, the decision to focus on growth in general and on herbs in particular blends well with the new opening, the yearning for planting, the flavours and fresh smell, and with our way of wishing all our visitors a green New Year.


The fine, sensitive line between wise, green consumerism and education for controlled consumerism guides the shop staff in selecting each gift and product.


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