רמת הנדיב - פארק הנדיב

Memorial Gardens Historic Landscape Report

The Memorial Gardens first opened their gates in 1954, when the remains of Baron Edmond de Rothschild and his wife Adelaide were brought to Israel for re-interment in a state funeral on the grounds of Ramat Hanadiv.
It was the Baron’s son, James Rothschild, who fulfilled his father’s wish to be buried on this site. In 1936, a tender for planning the gardens was issued, and the job was awarded to the architect Otto (Uriel) Schiller and his colleague Shlomo Weinberg-Oren, a landscape architect. Construction of the gardens was carried out from 1951-54.
Today, some 60 years after the site was formally opened, a documentation project has been launched in order to preserve the Memorial Gardens’ past, to learn from it, and to enable us to continue its legacy. A collaboration between Ramat Hanadiv and Dr. Ada V. Segre, a specialist on the conservation of historic gardens, the project aims to establish a computerized data base of photographs, flyers, articles,
memoirs and other archival materials related to the gardens. Selected items will also be collected in a documentary album.
Motivating the project is Ramat Hanadiv’s desire to preserve the spirit of the gardens’ original plans. Though renovations and development are inevitable, we believe that proper documentation and understanding of all the available materials will ensure that they do not violate the intentions or designs of its architects, nor change the place’s essential character.

The public’s contribution to this project is highly important: The people who were and have been familiar with the Memorial Gardens throughout the years have a precious part to play in preserving it. Do you have personal photos, albums, home films and videos, printed materials, or other memorabilia related to visits to Ramat Hanadiv during the years 1954-1985? You are cordially invited to share them with us, along with your own memories of Ramat Hanadiv in those days.

To send us documents or get further details, please contact Tami Zeigler, tel. 04-6289127 or E-mail

Thanks to the Bazak family for the use of photographs.

Of further interest...


An accessible trail through the Nature Park

In the Nature Park at Ramat Hanadiv there are a number of spectacular hiking routes.

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נגישות בשטח

Physically Disabled in the Gardens

Many trails traverse the Memorial Gardens. We recommend this route, but you
can choose to walk another route.

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Dining Here

Dining-The Picnic Site

The picnic area is located near the secondary parking lot. You are welcome to spend time there before or after your tour of the Gardens.

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